Cardijn Connect - W8, T1 2023
'On Tuesday 21 March, the Year 12s gathered to celebrate our final year at school and continue to develop a sense of family spirit amongst the Year 12 cohort. Organised and run by the Year 12 leaders, the barbecues were out as eggs, bacon and sausages were served along with music and games for everyone to join in. Student Central was decorated in orange as we also celebrated Harmony Day and all round, the morning was a great start to everyone’s day and a chance to gather and talk.'
MacKillop House Captains
Galilee's Year 9s have been engaging in an elective which explores the magic of food. They have been specifically looking at how they grow food in the garden through the Magic Harvest Program to how we use it to fuel our bodies with the nutrients needed to be healthy and strong.
The group have been investigating juice ingredients, recipes and their nutritional value. They are using this knowledge to design and create a juice that could be marketed to teenagers.
Students followed a recipe and presented their finished product using produce from the garden. Next week, the students are looking forward to making their healthy juice designs and testing them out on some of our Middle School students.
Ms Gabbert’s and Ms Edwards' Year 10 Geography students recently visited two mangrove sites as a part of their unit on environmental management. It was amazing to see the hugely negative environmental impact humans have had on our mangrove systems. Students were required to undertake fieldwork and will complete an environmental report on their findings from the day.
Thank you to the engineers from Fleetspace who spoke with students about the growing Space industry in SA. They presented on designing, building and launching complex and interconnected systems into space and the diverse careers involved.
Students got hands-on with satellites built in SA and various metallic 3D-printed objects, designed to maintain strength while reducing weight.
'Today the Year 11 and 12 student leaders had the opportunity to connect with the Sacred Heart College student leaders at Brighton Football Club. For the first Student Leadership Gathering of 2023, we were blessed with the wisdom of Brother Tony as he reassured us that, leaders aren’t alone in our leadership and that we should explore how we can turn ‘me’ to ‘we’ as leaders.
We then connected with the Sacred Heart leaders over lunch which was supplied by Daisy’s Burger Truck. The bus ride home was buzzing with everyone sharing the amazing conversations they had experienced with our fellow Marist school. We left this gathering knowing that the Marist family is alive and thriving with over 600 schools around the world. We cannot wait to meet up again in the future to continue to encourage and support each other in our initiative to be known for our impact and kindness.'
Aden Croser, College Captain
Father Josy visited our Reception classes recently and the children were very excited to learn more about the work that he does for God and for the Church.
They have been learning about Jesus in Religious Education and Father Josy asked them some questions about what they know about Jesus.
Some of the things the children said were…
‘Jesus’ family is called the Holy Family and his mum was called Mary.’
‘Jesus had two dads, Joseph was his Dad, like you and me and God was his dad in the sky.’
‘Jesus loves us very much.’
‘Jesus lives everywhere and in our hearts.’
‘When Jesus was here, there were no cars or televisions, but they had donkeys.’
‘Jesus wants us to be kind.’
🌱 Our Year 3s and 4s have begun planting seedlings for their pizza, stir fry, salad and soup garden plots. Students planted lettuces, Asian greens, thyme, coriander, broccoli, kale, leeks and spring onions!
Thank you to Diana from Bickleigh Vale Farm at the Willunga Farmers Market for all her advice and certified organic seedlings!
Every Monday for the past eight weeks the Sammy D Foundation has been engaging Marcellin Campus students in their program What's the Story?
The program is participatory and discussion based, with storytelling being a key feature. This initiative supports students to reflect upon their world in a meaningful and relevant manner.
Students discuss ideas, understandings and conceptions of fairness, justice, power, equality and equity, violence, gender and relationships.
Find more information on this program here |
A virtual tour of our Marcellin Campus is available online, providing 360-degree views of many of the spaces on our Year 10-12 campus.
From the Deputy Principal
This morning we shared the news with our community that Nick Wright has been appointed to the position of Principal at All Saints School, Seaford. Dr Neil McGoran (Director – Catholic Education South Australia) shared the following message with our community.
“Nick Wright will conclude his role as Head of Campus – Galilee at the end of Term 1, 2023. I know that Nick has found his time in leadership at the Galilee Campus personally and professionally fulfilling and has deeply appreciated the support of the students, staff, parents, parishioners and the local community. Nick has led with deep faith, vision and innovation and has contributed significantly to the life of the Galilee Campus community. His passion for ensuring the provision of high quality, contemporary learning opportunities for students, imbued with a deep sense of spirituality, has been central to his leadership at Galilee.”
We will have opportunities this term to acknowledge Nick’s significant contribution. To ensure a smooth transition of leadership at the Galilee Campus, we will begin the consultation process for a new Head of Campus during Term 2 and will provide more information once this appointment process has been completed.
This week we celebrated Harmony Week across our College. Harmony Week recognises our diversity and brings together Australians from all different backgrounds. It’s about inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone. Something we hold true at Cardijn is inspired by the Gospel, and that is that everyone matters, and matters absolutely and that all humanity and creation are to be a glorious and eternal song of joy.
Whilst in a meeting on the Galilee Campus earlier this week I heard the following prayer shared and I think it provides great inspiration for our continued journey and commitment towards true harmony within our society.
God of all people, God of love,
Just as the colours of a rainbow blend and merge to form one rainbow,
So too may the colours of our different cultures and beliefs,
Blend and merge in our families, our communities and throughout our world,
Through mutual respect and acceptance,
So that we may come together in true harmony.
Patrick Harmer
Deputy Principal
Important Dates
Marian Year 12 retreat begins
R-6 Galilee Sports Day
Good Friday
Easter Sunday
Easter Monday
Student free day
Student free day
Student free day
Student free day
Past issues of Cardijn Connect
Welcome to Cardijn College
Cardijn College is an R-12 co-educational Catholic school in the Marist tradition inspired by the dual charisms of Joseph Cardijn and St Marcellin Champagnat. Educating and inspiring students in the beautiful Southern Vales region, 25kms south of Adelaide since 1984, Cardijn has grown to be a College across three campuses, each with distinct offerings.